According to a new report from The Daily Beast, Don Bolduc was directed by “GOP brass and donors” to reverse his stance that the 2020 election was stolen. Jake Lahut tweeted that he was “told there were “assurances” made to GOP brass and donors in NH that Bolduc would stick to his new message that the 2020 election wasn’t stolen. That obv[iously] hasn’t happened.” He added that a “top NH Republican described ‘loose cannons’ remaining in the Bolduc camp.”
Despite the wishes of his party bosses, Bolduc continues to make clear that he believes the election was stolen. Just this week, CNN reported that Don Bolduc is already laying the groundwork to challenge the results of the 2022 election if they don’t go his way. According to the report, during a radio interview Monday, Bolduc raised “the prospect that some of the same issues that led Republicans to falsely claim the 2020 election was stolen could happen in 2022.”
On top of that, last week, Bolduc released a video where he asks his supporters to be poll watchers “to ensure voter integrity” and makes false claims about “irregularities” that he says “are known across the state.”
“The number one loose cannon on the Bolduc campaign is Don Bolduc himself. Don Bolduc has repeatedly denied the results of the 2020 election and even cast doubt on the integrity of upcoming elections. Granite Staters will see through these desperate attempts to cover up Bolduc’s extreme record,” said Maggie for NH spokesperson Sydney Petersen.