Senator Hassan Visits New Hampshire’s Oldest Abortion Clinic to Hear Directly from Providers
A new WMUR report finds that Granite Staters are deeply worried that with Roe v. Wade gone, a national abortion ban is now on the table. During a visit to Equality Health Center, New Hampshire’s oldest abortion clinic — Senator Maggie Hassan heard directly from providers who are feeling “bewilderment, outrage and fear” and are deeply concerned that “the next greatest threat to access to care for pregnant women is the possibility of a nationwide abortion ban.”
Watch the full report:
Mitch McConnell and anti-choice extremists’ push for a nationwide abortion ban will be “central” to the New Hampshire U.S. Senate race. Senator Hassan’s opponents’ records all make clear that they would be yes votes for a nationwide abortion ban — which Mike Pence and Kevin McCarthy are already pushing and which McConnell has supported for decades.
Senator Maggie Hassan: There’s this real prospect of a national abortion ban that would take away rights to abortion all across the country.
WMUR’s Amy Coveno: Participants in the discussion were unanimous in their belief that the next greatest threat to access to care for pregnant women is the possibility of a nationwide abortion ban. The midterm elections are looming and this issue is polarizing and galvanizing for politicians and voters. Dr. [Mary] Danca is a retired OB-GYN who remembers life before Roe v Wade. Now?
Dr. Mary Danca: I have fear. I have fear for women’s lives as a result of this.