35 Days From Election Day, NHPR Says Don Bolduc is “Playing Defense” on Issue after Issue
“Bolduc who was hunkering down to explain his stance on abortion”
See highlights below:
NHPR’s Josh Rogers Reporting
Josh Rogers: When Don Bolduc hit the Red Arrow Diner in Manchester yesterday morning, he told any breakfast patron willing to hear him out that he was ready to take the fight to Maggie Hassan.
[…] Rogers: Moments later, though, it was Bolduc who was hunkering down to explain his stance on abortion. He says he’s pro-life but would oppose any federal law limiting abortion rights, which he says should be decided at the state level. The Hassan campaign has attacked Bolduc on abortion for weeks, most recently highlighting his comment that people should get over the Dobbs decision, which eliminated the constitutional right to an abortion.
[…] Rogers: No voter at the Red Arrow had asked Bolduc about abortion, but more than once said they were aware that Bolduc had staked out fresh and sometimes conflicting positions on a number of issues since winning the primary.
Red Arrow Diner Patron Doug Smith: Sometimes you have to walk some stuff back, but you have to figure out what’s his primary position, what’s his true position on it. You know, is it about getting elected?
[…] Don Bolduc: Congress doesn’t have the cajones to do it. Well, you put me down there, we’re going to grow a pair and we’re going to do it. Alright?
Rogers: But it wasn’t all cheers for Bolduc in Hudson, where a few voters challenged him for changing positions on 2020 election fraud. Last year, Bolduc joined 125 retired military officials in signing a letter suggesting the 2020 election was stolen. Last month, Bolduc said new research convinced him the election wasn’t stolen.
WMUR: Bolduc launches statewide town meetings in campaign against Hassan
At one booth at the Red Arrow Diner, the pro-life but anti-federal-abortion-law Bolduc detoured from his economic message to explain why he believes Hassan’s attacks against him on abortion are unfair and why he told her to “get over it” in a recent News 9 interview.
[…] In response, the Hassan campaign released a written statement Monday: “Granite Staters aren’t going to buy Don Bolduc’s latest attempt to cover up his anti-choice record — which makes clear he would be a ‘yes’ vote to ban abortion across the country.”
“I will always vote for life, right? I will always vote for life,” Bolduc said.
[…] On abortion, he’s still navigating the righteous anger of voters who say rights have been taken away and women’s lives are at risk.
“People will still have abortions, but people will die in the process,” said Rowan McComas, of Manchester.